If you are considering purchasing a baglama, you will encounter a series of essential factors that determine its prices. Material quality, brand, construction technique, sound quality, and accessories are fundamental elements shaping baglama prices.


Material Quality

One of the most influential factors in baglama prices is material quality. The type of wood used emerges as a crucial factor determining the overall quality of the instrument. Baglamas crafted from low-quality and inexpensive woods may be more budget-friendly, while those made from rare and high-quality woods tend to be more expensive.


Brand and Maker

Baglamas bearing the signature of a well-known brand or a skilled maker are generally more valuable. Recognized brands and experienced makers prioritize quality and offer customers reliable options.


Construction Technique

The construction technique of baglamas is another factor influencing its price. Handcrafted baglamas may have a more distinct sound quality and resonance, often resulting in a higher price.


Accessories and Ornamentation

Ornamentation and accessories included with baglamas also have an impact on the price. Extras such as mother-of-pearl inlays, equalizers, high-quality cases, and plectrums can enhance the overall value of the instrument.


Student/Professional and Neck Length

Whether the baglama is designed for student or professional use, as well as features like neck length, are also determining factors in its price.


While there are numerous factors affecting baglama prices, carefully evaluating each factor in consideration of your expectations and budget will help you choose the ideal baglama that suits your needs.