When should you change your oud strings?

Should you change your oud strings?

The time you change strings is determined by your playing style, string care, and how your hands make on the strings. This question has a simple answer: 15 to 30 hours of play! This is why: The strings will collect oil and dirt from your hands as you play. The strings become lifeless and vibrate irregularly along their length (also causing tuning problems).

Oils and dirt find their way into the windings and down into the cores of the strings, causing corrosion. The string life will be shortened if your hands are unclean or perspire while you play. Wiping the strings clean when you're you are done playing will help them last longer. Also, bending strings or playing complex causes flat patches on the strings, especially around the frets, shortening their lives.

When should you change your oud strings?

Every 4-6 months, you should replace the strings on your oud. However, I usually replace my strings every 8 to 12 months. That's just how I like it. I prefer a more muted tone.

Change Oud Strings: A Step-by-Step Guide

When a stringed instrument makes a sound, the first thing you hear is the string. Two fixed points are held in place by a long and thin piece of material. A string gauge is a measurement of the material's thickness or diameter.

Strings vibrate when struck by an instrument's hammer, bow, or fingers. This causes a series of frequencies to be broadcast into the atmosphere. When it comes to musical notes, there is usually only one that stands out above the rest. Overtones are the frequencies that give the sound its timbral characteristics.

Higher-stringed instruments typically employ thinner strings, which are more suitable for playing notes that are more difficult to pronounce. Oud string tension measures how much weight the strings put on the instrument. Strings with more tension are heavier, while strings with less tension are lighter. Strings with much tension are uncomfortable to play. To play them, you'll need a little more strength in your fingers than with lighter strings. String thickness and density are closely connected to string tension.

Step-by-step approach:

  1. Remove all Oud strings by unwinding the peg and loosening the oud strings completely. Then untangle the loops that are attached to the bridge.
  2. Make a new string and tie it to the bridge. From the left side of the bridge, thread the oud string through the hole and loop it around like a knot. Pull tight and repeat 1,2,3,4 times. 
  3. Tie the opposite end of the oud string to the appropriate peg. It would help cut the fresh string so that there isn't too much to wind onto the peg. Cut the string after counting 1,2,3 peg. 
  4. Place the string twice within the peg's hole. Wrap your string around it after you've fixed it. You must retune your oud after adjusting the strings.

@ Final Remarks!

It's an essential question about how often you should change, and I've tried my best to clear all confusions related to string changing methods. Be sure to link with us to learn more!


Beginner oudsOud strings