Ney flute is the most specific instruments in Classical Turkish Music and Islamic Music. The instrument has been used to play music for years but it got its name from the Ottoman Empire during the formation of Islamic music. It is one of the oldest instruments as it has been played continuously for 4,500-5,000 years and still in use.
Though Ney is just a piece of bamboo but not every bamboo can possess the magical super powers that Ney can. Ney is known as the instrument of patience. . Ney Flute has been a part of many hymns and used across all genres of music. It has a pleasing tone that is a very recognizable sound. Turkish Ney plays an important role in the ensembles that play at the ceremonies. This instrument has a soft timbre and a soothing sound.
Ney Structure:
- Ney is an inclined rim-blown flute made of bamboo.
- The nay is made with a piece of hollow cane or reed with 5 or 6 finger holes. Neys now days may be made of metal. Pitch differs, depends on the region and the finger arrangement. A highly skilled ney player can reach as more as 3 octaves, though it is more common to have several ney players in a traditional orchestra to cover different ranges.
- The headpiece of Ney is called baspare and it is the part that separates ney flutes from the earlier ones. The headpiece is made up of buffalo horns and it is placed on the top of the ney flute.
- Parazvane is produced in metals such as silver and copper and placed in the upper and lower cutting areas, which are sensitive parts of the Ney musical instrument. Thus, the damages that may appear by wearing the head parebib on the top are saved, and the precautions against the cracks are taken at the bottom and precautions are provided.
- In a professional quality ney; The reed is yellow in color and densely fibrous, not much thick or thin, and proportionally decreasing in node widths and lengths. The thick or thin affects the deepest sound it can lower and the highest it can output.
Types of Ney:
Neys are keyed instruments.
- Mansur (La – 78 cm)
- Kız (Si – 70 cm)
- Yıldız (Do – 66 cm)
- Mustahsen (Do# - 62 cm)
- Supurde (Re - 58 cm)
- Bolahenk Nisfiye (Mi – 52 cm)
- Davut (Fa – 95 cm)
- Sah (Sol – 88 cm)
- Another type is available i.e. Professional Turkish Ney With Horn Baspare RNH-404
Why to purchase NEY form our Online Store?
All Turkish neys we have in our store are hand-made, developed by masters who excelled their craft. We believe that you’ll find here the most suitable Turkish Ney at the best value then anywhere else.
We have a wide range of ney types including plastic ney, professional ney, high-quality ney and also 13 pieces ney sets. Ney instruments are made in many sizes according to their chords.. On your order, we make tailor-made professional neys in the requested sizes.